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Emigration Canyon Watershed Planning Effort

Updated: Nov 14, 2021

Emigration Canyon Metro Township has launched a watershed planning effort to address the longstanding water quality issues in Emigration Creek. Acting on a proposal by the Emigration Canyon Sustainability Alliance, the township applied for and received a $40,000 grant from the Utah Division of Water Quality to develop a new management plan based on EPA standards and an integrated watershed approach.

River Restoration

To help us create that plan, the township has hired River Restoration, a group of engineers and watershed scientists with a strong stewardship ethic and a track record of creating solutions that enhance the social, economic and ecological values flowing in rivers. Watershed ecologist Eric McCulley leads the firm’s Salt Lake City office and brings to this assignment more than 15 years of experience in planning, implementing, and managing ecological restoration and wetland mitigation projects across western North America. Locally he’s served on the Jordan River Commission’s Technical Advisory Committee for almost a decade. Eric and the River Restoration team are now in the early stages of a holistic planning process that will identify and engage stakeholders, characterize the watershed, assess impairments, establish remediation goals, identify technical solutions, and quantify the necessary financial resources. When the plan is complete in March 2022, we’ll be ready to pursue funding in time for implementation during the following year. Residents and others with an interest in the canyon watershed can engage the project team and provide input in several ways.


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